I’m a lawyer who likes to tinker with no-code on his free time.
Joachim Brindeau
Aug 27, 2022
A standardized structure of your airtable base is what will enable you to have a solid softr app. This article will detail how to make it happen.
Now that your airtable is properly set up, we’ll focus on structuring the softr app to have an efficient foundation for your project.
This short article on the naming convention in softr is mandatory before starting to work in the softr studio. Don’t rush into building your app.
Having a standard airtable naming convention will allow you to build a robust and lean app with no duplicate fields and no error when pointing to the data.
You are using softr for its capacity to turn Airtable records into website pages. Wether you build a job board, a marketplace, a real estate platform or a client portal, you’ll have listings. This part of the clean-base system will standardize the way listing tables are built.
This guide will provide you with a step-by-step tutorial on how to setup airtable for softr in a standardized way that remains flexible and easy to read
Aug 14, 2022
Sometimes you want to provide the user with an ID, a URL, a snippet, … that he can easily copy-paste. Softr doesn’t offer that yet so here is a solution to have a copy to clipboard field in softr.
Jun 2, 2022
There are many ways to add like buttons to softr. This is one way, using appspan and an airtable automation to add the logged-in user’s email to the airtable listing.
May 31, 2022
The list of blocks available in softr is growing but the countdown block is one not yet present. Using some code snippets we can get one working, just need to set a date and your coming soon block is ready.
Stay updated about airtable, softr, and other no-code tips and tools.