The naming convention we previously discussed is meant to be clean but also flexible.
Which is why we don't rely on view sections to understand the data.
If one day the database is downgraded, the structure needs to keep making sense.
You'll see below that the structure still makes sense even without view sections.
Just make sure you order your views correctly.
With an airtable pro plan:
You can create view sections and I will guide you through each of them.
The Records section will group views directly relating to the Records held in the current table.
There should be no lookup fields in there (or maybe just one to quickly see who created the listing).
If it's a job board you're building, in the jobs table, you'll only find views containing information about the job itself.
Here is a screenshot of the Records section in’s users table.
The Relations section will group views containing information relating to another table.
For a job board, in the jobs table, this section will group views relating to the company hiring, the user who created the job, the applicants, etc.
Here is a screenshot of the Relations section in’s users table.
Building with SOFTR can very quickly turn into a mess. As such, I recommend creating a section to group views that only have a technical purpose.
This was already introduced in the naming section of this guide (part 1).
The first one will group all your SEO and social fields, the second one will group all fields that are only useful for technical reasons.
Here is a screenshot of the Technical section in’s users table.
Creating mandatory views
Here, we will create views that I consider to be mandatory to every SOFTR build (or even Airtable build in general).
Of course you’ll create more views to accomodate your needs but the following airtable views are needed for a clean foundation.
Records section
There, we should have some mandatory views.
records - information
Goal: This view will let us find data about a specific listing.
Filtering: There should be no filtering at all here.
Sorting: Sorting should be done by name from A to Z to allow any user to quickly find what they look for.
records - activity
Goal: We'll use this view to track the activity in your base.
Filtering: There should be no filtering here.
Sorting: Sorting should be made according to the updated field.
Relations section
Depending on your app, you will have different views here. We will dig further into that when setting up the basic structure for a softr app table by table.
For example, when creating the listings table to hold all listings created by your softr users, you will create a view named users - created to list all information about the users who created each listing.
Technical section
technical - seo
Goal: This view will let us find metadata as well as Open Graph data about a specific listing.
Filtering: There should be no filtering here.
Sorting: Sorting should be done by Name from A to Z to allow any user to quickly find what they look for.
technical - workflow
Goal: This view will let us find columns that only have a technical function. They do not contain new data but fields necessary to the workflow of your app.
Filtering: There should be no filtering here.
Sorting: Sorting should be done by Name from A to Z to allow any user to quickly find what they look for.